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Tuesday, May 23, 2006 

Dat Really Hurtz! ... Day 2

I think Tuesday's will be one of my favorite days. Biceps, Triceps and Forearms! What man doesn't want monstrous arms? Just a side note for you weightlifting novices, don't forget to work your legs every once in a while. You don't want to be one of those guys with huge arms and stick legs, the ladies don't like it.

Today consisted of a rotation between bicep and tricep exercises that Ray has perfected. He will explain further down this post. Lets just say, I could not lift my arms yesterday, today I can not bend them. The first couple of weeks are going to be pretty tough but, no pain no gain. We don't vant any gurly muscles.

I have a quick side note, I'm so proud of my wife! She got up with me this morning (5:30 mind you) and went to the gym. Ray is pretty good looking but nothing beats ripping out some bicep curlz and looking over and seeing your beautiful wife pedalling away on the stationary bike. Thanks babydoll!

Tomorrow = Legs (remember what I said, no sticks)
I'm actually really excited about legs. I have not done a good squat in over 3 years. I will be ranting tomorrow about how bad my legs ache, but to be honest, I LOVE IT!!!!!!

One more thing, Thanks Ray for keeping me accountable and showing me stellar technique.


Prefected... not quite. But I got the work out off of a bowed up body builder guy in the gym. I figured if we started with that, then we could refine it for our body types. Here is the basic rotation.
Bicep Barbell Curls, Tricep Press Downs, then alternating sets of Dumbell Concentration Curls & Tricep Kickbacks, then Dumbell Curls (5 reps with Left while holding right hand @ 90 degree angle & then switch untill you get to 10 reps for each arm), then BLAST the triceps with Backhand Crossovers on a pully.

This was a tough workout, but a great work out. Our abs were the same as yesterday so that we could feel the burn again and blast them out of the park. It was a GREAT workout!

I'm proud of Justin for making it out again! It is HARD to get up day after day at 5 a.m. to go push yourself moving weight that does no other work than refining your body! But, noone said it was easy!

I'll post more soon when I find a few minutes to breathe!


Abouts Ust

  • I'm Justin & I'm Ray
  • We ah en Northwest Arkansas
  • We ah memba of za World Gyms
  • Yah. So we are ztarting outs en z gym an we ah bery exited to be pumping z tiny muscles up once again. Keep jecking back he-ah to finds outs our progresses.
Justin's Profile & Ray's Profile


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Photos from our Last Competition

Justin's Side Chest Pose made famous by Justin Long & Arnold somebody.

Ray's Most Muscular Pose - called that for a good reason...

& then I woke up!